Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 3 in Chicago

Man are we tired. It feels like we've been here for 10 days. The good news is that the weather is perfect. After walking most of the day we ended up with a snack by the water. Sascha was able to play in the sand and get her feet wet. The water was soooo cold. I couldn't believe people were in the water, I am officially a Texan. You couldn't have paid me to jump in that water. Okay maybe paid me, but certainly not asked me nicely. We met with the surgeon today, Dr. Madonna (cool name). Sascha will get the muscle biopsy tomorrow at 9am. We heard the basics and almost fainted when we heard that they would remove muscle the size of a marble to the size of a golf ball. GOLF BALL?!?!? That's what I said. I had to ask hollow or solid? She said hollow. But still good God, she's not that big. But the good news is she should bounce back after a couple of hours. Apparently it's easier on the small ones. She asked how we have handled anesthesia in the past, which can indicate how she will do. Let's see I threw up and Alonzo looked like he did that first night in Cancun, drunk as hell. Poor Sascha, genetics are a bitch.
We have a flight back home tomorrow night. It was the only non stop flight. They assured us she would be fine.
We finally had our tequila tonight at a Mexican Rest...yummy. Can I tell you something, I'm originally from the hood outside of Chicago, born in the same hospital as Michael Jackson, if that paints a picture. No really. Anyway I almost went back to my roots at the bar. They let Sascha sit at the bar (love Mexican Rests) and I was behind her waiting for a seat to free up. When the couple next to her moved some little 5ft5" preppy shit snaked the seat. Alonzo made a comment of ppl in the city and of course I made a couple more comments in Spanish; just hoping this fool understood so I could go hood on him (I didn't want to look bad commenting in English where the old ladies next to me could understand-my luck they are undercover nuns and it ruins my chance once again for those pearly gates). Man Alonzo is one lucky guy to have married me :). Well nothing happened, our table was called, I got my second drink and Alonzo gets to keep his perfect reputation one more day. Food was excellent, drinks even better. I will let you know tomorrow how the surgery goes. peace and love
Oh yeah if you are interested in more pics I have posted them on facebook.

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